Gibalas in Pavlovice
Grunt (Farm) of Martin Kejbalik.
In the year of 1626, on reference with permission from
Mr. Urban Sikovsky, at this time an administrator in
Drevohostice, and chairman of the village of Vaclav
Soustalik and with his aldermen Martin Kejbalik bought
this grunt (farm) from Matyas Zeman for the amount 400
"hrivna" silber. He had to give avdeposit 38 "hrivna".
Grunt money he had to pay from year 1627, a record of
all he paid was increased by 8 "hrivna". For this
grunt (farm) he will receive 1 horse. Guarantor for
the grunt (farm), the grunt money was for the whole
village of Pavlovice.
Payment for grunt (farm):
In the year of 1626, Martin Kejbalik paid his deposit
for Matyas Zeman 38 "hrivna". This farm was about 7-th
biggest farm in Pavlovice.
Here is title page of this Registra.
This new Landowner register for the vilages Pavlovice
a Prusinky are doing by dominion nobility in the time
on Drevohostice. Being of noble birth and acstalwart
knight master, Jan Kaltschmidt ,knight of Eisenberg
W.A.K.M. chancellor and his deputy of great repute
master younger Syrycansky an official and honest
aldermen of these villages: by "fojt" Martin Kejbalik
and by Adam Krcmar chairman, by aldermen Vavrin
Lorenc, Jan Belenik, Jan Hrebavik, Matej Vajda and by
costs of all neighbors and by their help are doing
this register for common good arrangements of orphan's
In the year of 1653.
Short extract from this Land owners register:
Page 14. Podsedek (small farm) of Jan Kejbala
In the year 1636, Jan Kejbal bought this podsedek from
Vaclav Krska for 200 hrivna.
In the year 1646, podsedek after died Jan Kejbala was
sold to Vavra Rolinc for 200 hrivna.
In the year of 1665 this podsedek bought Jura Kavka
Page 145.Grunt (farm) of Adam Kordulac.
In the year of 1636, Adam Kordulac bought this farm
from Martin Kejbalik for 400 hrivna.
Page 266. Grunt ( farm) of Martin Kejbalik
In the year of 1626, Martin Kejbalik bought this farm
from Matyas Zeman for 400 hrivna. (See above).
Page 278.Garden of Martin Kejbalik
In the year of 1636, Martin Kejbalik bought this
garden from Adam Kordulac for 100 hrivna.
Page 334. Garden of Jira Zapletal
In the year of 1636, Jira Zapletal bought this garden
from Jan Kejbalik for 50 hrivna.
The total that is written in this Landowner register 23 grunt (farms), 11 podsedek (small farm) and 5 gardens, together there are 36 farmsteads. At this time there was uninhabited 6 farms, 3 podsedek and 3 gardens, 1 podsedek wasdeserted by owner. Total were 13 farmsteads uninhabited, more than one third of the total.
Grunt of Martin Kejbalik (after the year 1771 this
farm was number 4) it is oldest farm in one family
hands in Pavlovice since the year of 1626.
Succession on Gibala's ( Kejbalik) grunt in Pavlovice
number 4.
1. Martin Kejbalik (* abt.1600 - + before 1667)
bought this farm for 400 hrivna from Matyas Zeman. The
name of his wife and true count of children I don't
know, because the books of births and deaths for the
village of Pavlovice are in the archive since the year
of 1664. According to my known information I think
that Martin Kejbalik had a minimal 3 children, 2 sons
and 1 daughter between the years 1647 - 1653 he was in
Pavlovice fojt.
The name of daughter I don't know, but in the Register
zadusni in the church in Pavlovice it is written on
page 56: In the year of 1645, Jan Sovka from the
village Hostkovice (near Trsice) on the marriage's
certificate the daughter of Martin Kejbala from
Pavlovice made a vow of one's own free will to give to
church in Pavlovice 5 hrivna.
2.Vaclav Gibalik (Kejbalik) ( * abt.1630 - + after 1685)
perhaps a son of Martin Kejbalik. He was twice
married. His first wife was Katerina, I don't know her
maiden name (* abt.1635 - + 23.4.1679). They together
had minimally 5 adult age children who I found from
book of marriage for Pavlovice. Katerina died
23.4.1679. His second wife was Mariana widow after
Mikulas Vaclavek died (* abt.1635- + after 1685). They
had son named Martin.
In list of Landowners for Pavlovice and Prusinky in an
inspection report from 15-th. 10. 1667, which is a
part of rectification acts and in National archive in
Brno there is under Sign. D 2,36 it is written as
owner of half "lan"s (halblahner - German) farm this
Vaclav Kejbalik (son of Martin Kejbalik).
In the year of 1661, this Vaclav Kejbalik was written
as keeper over the church funds. In Register zadusni
of the church of Pavloviceis many times written: In
the year of 1661, under keeper of church funds Vaclav
Geybala .... . (you can see in the District archive in
3.Jan Gibalik - (* abt.1660- + abt.1698)
son of Vaclav Gibalik, he was married to Anna Rozborik
from Dolany village (* abt.1660 - + after 1683) and
they have 3 children.
4.Jan Geybalik - (* 28.10.1683 - + 6.4.1741).
He married 20.1.1710 to Mariana Hanak from Hradcany (*
abt.1690 - + 18.11.1754) and they had 2 children. The
marriage of Jan Geybalik and Mariana Hanak was
performed by a Pavlovice's priest named, Jan Jiri
Ignac Stredovsky,a famous baroque Moravian's historian
and writer. On the frontispiece of his Latin written
book Sacra Moraviae historian from year 1710 is a
picture of Pavlovice from around the time of 1710. It
is quite probably that the Gibala's farm there is the
picture. The Gibala's farm was located on a hill very
close to the church and there was and is a direct
neighbor on parsonage. I haven't known yet which of buildings on the picture is the Gibala's
5.Vaclav Geibalik (Kybalik, Gebalik, Geybala, Gejbala, Gybala) (* 18.9.1716 - +17.12.1772)
was twice married. He had his first marriage 18.1.1741
to Veronika Rupca from Loucka (* 1719 - +11.8.1744).
They had only a son named Frantisek, who died before
he was 1 year old. Second time he was married
23.11.1744 to Mariana Dolezel from Pavlovice (*
abt.1720 - + after 1763). They had 8 children (one set
of twins). 6 of children lived to adult age (4 sons
and 2 daughters). All of these children still used
only surname Gibala and I am premising that they were
the bases for the occurrences of the surname Gibala in
the whole area before Austria-Hungary Empire and today
around the entire world. That way I try to describe
more of them.
Oldiest son Frantisek Gibala (* 3.12.1745 - + kol.1790) rozrod
was married on 31.1.1768 to Eliska Skupina from Hradcany (* kol.1745 - + 11.9.1780).
He lived with the family on the farm in Hradcany numb. 13 (on
the green on the opposite side of the chappel). They
had 6 children (2 sons and 4 daughters), 4 of them
died in childhood. Frantisek Gibala married a second
time about the year of 1781 to Pavlina Jemelka (* abt.
1761 - +12.8. 1813). They had 11children (7 sons and 4
daughters), 3 sons and 3 daughters survived to
adulthood. I haven't found yet the marriage and death
records for these children of Frantisek Gibala : Anna
Gibala * 7.6.1782 , Antonin Gibala * 27.10.1794,
Martin Gibala * 17.10.1796 and Agnes Gibala *
2.2.1799. I am presuming that these children of
Frantisek Gibala moved away around 1815 from Hradcany
(place I don't know). One of brothers was Kristof
Gibala *27.4.1786 - +14.8.1811 died in 1811-I think
that they moved away from Hradcany after the year
Frantisek Gibala left the family farm in
Hradcany numb. 13 to the oldest son from his first
marriage Josef Gibala *29.12.1768 - +31.3.1849. Josef
Gibala was married to Veronika Tihelka in 1796.They
had 1 son and 6 daughters. The Son and one of the
daughters died as a child. I haven't found the
marriage or death records for this Josef Gibala daughters Anna Gibala * 1801,
Josefa Gibala * 1805 and Terezie Gibala * 1807.
Because Josef Gibala didn't have a son to take the
family farm, he gave this farm to his oldest daughter
Frantiska Gibala who was married to Jan Hrbacek from
Hradcany in the year 1818. I think that the children
of Frantisek Gibala moved away from Hradcany before
the year 1818.
Anna Gibala (* 12.6.1748 - + after 1771) was married on 17.5.1771 to Jan Reinoch
from Pavlovice. I haven't studied this family yet, because in Pavlovice at this time
lived more Reinoch families.
Eleonora Gibala (* 3.4.1752 - + 1818 ) married 24.1.1774 Jakub
Tihelka from Susice numb.18. Granddaughter of Eleonora Gibala - Gertruda Tihelka married
Josef Gibalik from Pavlovice numb. 2 in the year 1842.
Vendelin Gibala (* 20.10.1759- + after 1800)rozrod
married 7.1.1788 Magdalena Cagasek from Pavlovice ( * 1762 - + after 1800).
He was a gardener,this means that he
had small farm and they lived in Pavlovice numb.14.
They had 8 children (7 daughters and 1 son). I haven't
had any information about deaths in this family,
because I haven't seen yet death book for Pavlovice
between years 1786 - 1880. I haven't found any records
about this family after year 1800 it may be that this
family moved from Pavlovice soon after year 1800
(before 1820). I have handwritten documents about
genealogy research of my uncle priest Vladimir Gibala
from years around 1970 where there are some of death
dates of the members of the Gibala family between the
years 1786 and 1880. The date of death for Vendelin
Gibala and his wife aren't in this document. I think
that it is probably that Vendelin Gibala and his
family moved away from Pavlovice soon after 1800 and
that they died in the new settlement.
Jan Gibala (* 24.6.1763 - + after 1808)rozrod
maried 9.2.1784 with Kristina widow after Pospisil
from Pavlovice (* abt. 1760 - + 1785). This marriage was without
child. The second time Jan Gibala married 8.11.1785
Katerina Konupka from Tucin (*about 1765 - + after
1808). They lived in Pavlovice on numb.9 (23.1. 1790 -
3.6.1805), numb.38 (26.1.1805 - 10.5.1810) and numb.14
(after 1810).They had 6 children (3 daughters a 3
sons). I haven't had death dates of the parents,
oldest son Frantisek Gibala(* 18.4.1876) and all 3
The second son Josef Gibala (*31.3.1792 - + abt. 1836) lived in
Pavlovice numb.14. He was "podruh" and he worked as a farm labourer.
Josef Gibala married 29.2.1824 Juliana Zoban from Hradcany (* abt.1802 - +
after 1857). I am not sure if they had 3 or 4 children
(1 son and 2-3 daughters). Juliana remarried after the
death Josef Gibala twice and she and her 3 children lived
in Pavlovice numb.14 in 31.10.1857.
The next story about history of grandson of Jan Gibala
after leaving Pavlovice here .
Youngest son of Jan Gibala Ignac Gibala (*1808)
lived in Pavlovice numb. 38 still 31.10.1857. Ignac
Gibala married about 1836Anna Reinoch from
Pavlovice (*abt.1810 - +abt.1842). They had 3 sons
Josef Gibala (* 1837), Antonin Gibala(* 1839) and
Ignac Gibala(* 1841).Last information, which I have,
about these sons, is that all they were in autumn 1857
in Wien as apprentices. The second time Ignac Gibala
(*1808) married Frantiska (* 1816), I don't know his
maiden surname. They had one daughter Angelina Gibala
(* 1850). I haven't any more information about this
family after 1857.
6.Josef Gibala (* 20.6.1754 - + 6.9.1810).
He got the farm Pavlovice numb. 4 from his parents.
Josef Gibala is written in the "Josefinsky katastr "
from 25.3.1789 in Pavlovice numb. 4. At this time
the8-th biggest farmer in Pavlovice according to lands
area. (13 ha 47 ar 65 square meters = 134 765 square
Josef Gibala married 7.6.1779 Katerina Manek
from Prusinky (*abt.1755 - +12.9.1836). They had 10
children (6 sons and 4 daughters). 4 children died
before adulthood (1 daughter a 3 sons). From these
children I don't have death dates for the two oldest
sons Josef Gibala (*1786) and Frantisek Gibala (*
1787). I think that they moved away from Pavlovice
around 1805.
7.Ignac Gibala (*30.3.1790 - 4.10.1836)
married 5.2.1811Terezie Gallas from Pavlovice numb.7 (* 30.6.1791 - +15.11.1850).
His father Jakub Gallas was the herschaftliecher oberschaefer on the demesne
farm. Ignac Gibala and Terezie had 11 children (7 sons
and 4 daughters), but 7 children died before adulthood
(5 sons and 2 daughters). Oldest son Frantisek Gibala
(* 1815) probably moved away from Pavlovice around
1840, I don't have any more information about him.
8. Ignac Gibala (*27.11.1819 - +23.11.1865)
married 10.2.1846 Apolonie Horak (*31.7.1824 - +22.11.1911) from Predmosti numb. 7.
They had 6 children (5 sons and daughter). 2 sons died before
adulthood. The oldest son Frantisek Gibala studied in
the high school in Lipnik, but he died when he was 20
years old.
Youngest son Ignac Gibala was a priest. He was
ordained a priest in 1887. He died in 1937 in
Pavlovice. Only a daughter Frantiska Gibala married a
shopkeeper Frantisek Koutny from Suchonice.
After widowing Appolonie remarried in 1867 to a
15-year younger Tomas Tomcik. At this time for few
years the Gibala's ownership line on the farm
Pavlovice numb.4. was interrupted.
9. Antonin Gibala (*4.6.1852 - +14.10.1910)
married 17.11.1874 Viktorie Horak from Dluhonice numb. 28 (*24.12.1852 - +18.8.1910).
She was not related to Apolonie Horak. They had 7 children (6 sons and 1
daughter). 3 sons and daughter died in childhood.
The oldest son Klement Gibala (* 1875 - +1897) died
after a kick from a horse. Antonin Gibala was the
Pavlovice mayor between 1887 and 1890. Antonin Gibala
built a roadside inn near the road to Lipnik. This
house has number 88. Antonin Gibala didn't get a
license to operate this inn. He gave the farm number 4
to his older son Antonin. He along with his wife and
younger son Tomas moved to new built house Pavlovice
numb. 88. Here both - Antonin Gibala and his wife
Viktorie died.
10. Antonin Gibala ( *21.2.1878 - +1.11.1957)
married 14.7.1903 Marie Rajnosek from Pavlovice numb. 56 (*14.9.1884 - +4.7.1926).
The father of Marie Rajnosek had and operated the inn in Pavlovice
numb.56. Antonin Gibala and Marie had 7 children (5
sons and 2 daughters) 3 sons and 1 daughter died in
childhood. The second time Antonin Gibala married in
1930 to Frantiska Hlobil from Pavlovice numb.85 (*1894
- +1981). They had twins and one of the twins died in
infancy. All of adult children (3 sons and a daughter)
stayed in Pavlovice. The oldest son Antonin Gibala got
the inn from the parents of his mother in Pavlovice
numb. 56.
Antonin Gibala built in 1938 new house - Pavlovice numb. 136 and he with family moved there.
Farm numb. 4 he got to younger son Ladislav Gibala.
11. Ladislav Gibala (*3.12.1915 )
married in year 1939 Emilie Haluzik from Pavlovice numb. 9
(*7.7.1914 - +25.12.1976). They had 2 daughters.